Adding a map to a page is quite simple. The easiest way to do it is to use an address. Add this shortcode to a page, and you’ll get a map!
[flexiblemap address="10 downing street london uk"]
This asks Google to search for number 10 Downing Street in London, UK, get the coordinates, set that as the centre of the map, and add a marker with an info window. NB: it really is a search, so we need to be very specific when using an address!
It could look a little nicer though — let’s zoom it out a little, give it a nicer title and a description, and make the map width fit the available area on the page.
[flexiblemap address="10 downing street london uk" zoom="14" title="Number 10 Downing Street" width="100%" description="the official residence and the office of the British Prime Minister"]
See the attribute reference for the full set of available attributes.