Tell directions where to go
You can show a directions search form in a specific page element, by giving the directions attribute an element ID:
You can show a directions search form in a specific page element, by giving the directions attribute an element ID:
If you need to show directions from a specific location automatically, use the directionsfrom and showdirections attributes. To hide the search form, add dirshowssearch=false.
You can show a directions search form automatically, with the showdirections attribute:
To create a map based on an address, use the address attribute. Google Maps will search for the address, and if there's only one possible result, it will make it the centre of the map.
Google Maps supports four map types. Google shows a roadmap by default, but it's easy to specify a different one using the maptype attribute.
To create a simple map with centre coordinates, use the center attribute. NB: it must be spelled the American way or Google will ignore it!